Saturday, May 28, 2011

Almost 5 weeks old!

Okay, so I am posting late so now they actually ARE 5 weeks old, but I went by to see the puppies and play with them for a little bit on Thursday, May 26.  They are SO cute and so much fun at this age.  I let them all out and lied down on the floor with them to see what they did.  They were all so interactive and playful, all happy to see me and get attention.  There happened to be a guy that day pressure washing Sue's house.  So, when I was in there with them, he was washing outside the room they were in, it was a little bit loud and there was air a little water coming through the door.  When the exercise pen is closed they cannot reach the door, but I had opened it since I was there.  They were not at all suspicious or worried of the noise or air.  Very solid puppies!  Here are a few silly "behind bars" pictures:)

I can't wait until tomorrow when we go back and take the puppies on a field trip to the training yard!

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